Nigella (love in a mist) are beautiful in fresh or dried arrangements (they are the blue flower nestled into the green mist on the crostini) but did you know the seeds have culinary purposes dating back thousands of years? Legend has it they were found in King Tut’s tomb! Nigella seeds are slightly bitter with a warm toasty onion-like flavour and slight herbaceous oregano notes.
Herbed Hummus with Nigella and Roasted Garlic Recipe
* 1 can of (398ml or 14 oz.) cannellini white beans, drained and rinsed
* 2 tablespoons olive oil
* 2 cloves of roasted, mashed garlic
* 1-2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
* ¼ cup of minced fresh herbs of choice (ex. thyme, parsley etc.)
* pinch of paprika
* ½ teaspoon of ground Nigella OR 1 tsp. of whole seeds, stirred into the dip at the end for a nice crunch
* season to taste with salt and white OR black pepper
* In a food processor, combine the beans, oil, garlic and lemon juice
* Blitz until combined but still a bit chunky
* Add in herbs, ground nigella seeds, salt and pepper. Process until hummus is the consistency you like.
(If using whole nigella seeds, stir in at the end)
* Serve with crostini and garnish with herbs and flowers of choice.
Makes approx. 1 cup of hummus
* Nigella seeds can be ground into a spice or left whole and are used to flavor everything from breads and cakes to cheeses, beans and risottos
* Flowers (love-in-a-mist) if you have them make a pretty garnish
NOTE: As with all herbs, leaves, roots and flowers, allergies and side effects are possible. Know your allergens and always check with your health care provider before consuming flowers for medicinal purposes.