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Do you love lilacs? Did you know these fragrant spring blossoms can be steeped into a delightful tea? Sipping lilac flower tea is a lovely, relaxing, springtime experience that can be enjoyed warm or chilled. Lilac tea is aromatic, with a light astringency, and stirring in a spoonful of honey with a squeeze of fresh lemon rounds it out beautifully. One of my favourite ways to use lilacs is in this lilac-scented honey. All you need is fresh lilacs, mild honey, a glass jar, and a little bit of patience, to enjoy this fragrant sweet springtime honey any time of year!



Lilac Scented Honey

• Fresh lilacs, preservative-free
• Mild local honey
* 250 ml (1 cup) sterilized glass jar with a lid

• Pick lilacs early in the morning. That is when their perfume is the strongest
• Gently pick the florets from the stem and rinse in cool water. Lay on a clean towel to air-dry
• Fill the glass jar with the lilac florets and pour over honey to fill.
• Cover the jar and set it aside in a cool dark place for 4 – 6 weeks
• To Use: No need to strain out the blossoms unless you want to. Enjoy the honey and blossoms together.

• Lovely stirred into a cup of tea
• Drizzle over fresh fruit or ice cream
• Use lilac scented honey in recipes and baked goods for a lovely aromatic sweetness

• Always use organic or pesticide-free edible flowers
• Use other fragrant edible flowers to scent honey (rose petals, honeysuckle, jasmine)

As with all edible flowers and herbs, be sure you are aware of any allergies before consuming

