Did you know you can create beautifully coloured eggs using edible flowers? They top the list of fruits, veggies and spices that create stunning natural colours. So, skip the chemicals and use the natural dye in flowers to colour everything from eggs to foods, to clothes! Create soft or striking colours, or mix and blend to create your own custom shades and hues. The bonus? A lovely hint of floral will remain, especially if you’re making crackled eggs.

My picks for the best results?  Butterfly Blue Pea Flower, Hibiscus, Roses, Calendula and Saffron (for a brighter golden yellow add turmeric to calendula and saffron) These flowers will take you from blues and purples to reds, pinks and yellows – just like a rainbow!


Colour Eggs Naturally with Flowers

• 1-2 Tablespoons (depending on the intensity of colour desired) of dried culinary flowers
• 1 Teaspoon white vinegar
• Hard-boiled eggs at room temperature (shells left on)
• 1 Cup boiling water


• Steep flowers of choice in 1 cup of freshly boiled water for 20-30 minutes. Recipe can be doubled, tripled etc. to make as much dye as you need
• Strain, pressing on solids to release all the colour
• Add 1 tsp. vinegar for each cup of liquid
• Put hard-boiled eggs in a colour-safe container (for a crackled-look, crack the shell lightly with a spoon first) and pour liquid colour over eggs until completely covered.
• Set the eggs aside at room temp for 2 hours. Then store in fridge for a minimum of 4 hours, overnight is better as the dye will produce more intense colours
• Remove from liquid, pat dry and decorate as desired.
• For crackled eggs, peel to see the pretty pattern. Eat as is or slice in half and use to make crackled devilled eggs.



• Personalize eggs by adding a name. Use a wax crayon to ‘print’ on the shell before colouring the eggs
• For best results make sure the steeped liquid colour is nice and hot (not boiling) before pouring over eggs.
• Leave eggs in colour 12 hours for best results
• For darker colours use 3 tablespoons of flowers to 1 cup of boiling water


NOTE: While edible flowers are generally considered safe, as with all herbs, leaves, roots and flowers, allergies and side effects are possible. Know your allergens and always check with your health care provider before consuming them for medicinal purposes.

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