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‘Tis the season’ to get cozy…tea-la-la-la-la, tea-la-la-la! And there’s no better way to keep Santa warm and cozy this Christmas than with his favourite Peppermint Chai – brew him a steamy hot cup to keep him holly n’ jolly all season long!
*Remember to leave Santa a mug of his favourite chai by the fireplace this Christmas Eve to stay on his ‘nice’ list!


Santa’s Peppermint Chai

Makes 1 serving – recipe easily doubles

• 1 tablespoon of Santa’s Peppermint Chai
• 10 oz (300mls) milk of choice (or 1/2 water + 1/2 milk)
• 1 candy cane stir stick
• Optional sweetener: For the sweet tooth Santa add a drizzle of honey OR for the naughty Santa a drizzle of chocolate or peppermint liqueur
• Optional: If you have a large chimney opening, add marshmallows and a dollop of whipped cream
• Optional – If you have an extra-large chimney opening, top the toppings with shavings of dark chocolate

• Add milk to a small saucepan and bring just to the simmer over medium heat
• Turn off heat and stir in Santa’s Peppermint Chai
• Cover saucepan and steep 4-5 minutes
• Strain into a mug and stir in optional sweetener and/or spirits of choice
• Add a dollop of freshly whipped cream, sprinkle peppermint candy bits and/or add a candy cane stir stick
• Leave on the fireplace hearth with a plate of Santa’s favourite cookies
• Merry Christmas!

• Brulee (toast) marshmallows for a delicious gooey marshmallow topping!