Refresh your body and soul naturally with this invigorating peppermint body scrub. Herbs bring internal healing by ingesting them, but they also heal externally by applying them topically. Our skin is the largest organ in our body and absorbs chemicals and toxins from the environment, soaps, scrubs and shampoos. Using a chemical-free natural body scrub will leave you feeling refreshed and invigorated while adding softness, vitamins and minerals to your skin. Make it with Epsom salts or raw sugar, and choose peppermint leaves or rose petals. Including green tea in your scrub adds antioxidants, reduces inflammation and exfoliates toxins from your skin, leaving it soft and supple.



Peppermint Green Tea Body Scrub


• 1 ½ cups organic raw sugar (don’t use fine-grain refined sugar) OR 2 cups of fragrance-free Epsom salts
• 2 tablespoons of green tea
• ½ cup of organic dried peppermint or 1 cup of fresh organic peppermint
• ¼ cup organic coconut oil (use more oil for a wetter scrub, less oil for a drier scrub)

OPTIONAL: For a more intense scrub add 4-6 drops of organic peppermint essential oil
OPTIONAL: Substitute the dried peppermint with dried rose petals or lavender (see TIPS below)


• Grind the peppermint and green tea in a food processor (I like mine ground medium-fine)
• Add sugar OR epsom salts (and essential oil if using) and pulse 3-4 times
• Add the solid coconut oil to a glass measuring cup and melt in the microwave until just soft, not hot
• Pour oil over the dry mix in the food processor and pulse 3-4 times or until desired consistency is achieved
• Scrub will become more solid as the coconut oil solidifies
• Spoon into a glass jar with a lid


• Gently rub on your skin while showering, then rinse away. The results are deliciously fragrant, soft and silky skin

• If you use fresh peppermint start with only 1/4 cup of oil and increase as needed
• For a rose or lavender scrub replace the peppermint in the recipe with dried rose petals or lavender buds
•  Or for a lovely lavender-rose scrub, combine 1/2 of each, and use either rose or lavender essential oil for more intense fragrance

Know your allergies – if any ingredients are a concern be sure to do a skin patch test BEFORE you scrub your body with flowers or herbs.




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