An easy to make yet absolutely delicious hot sipper that’s sure to warm body and soul this holiday season!

Chai Cider Toddy

• 2 ¼ cups pure apple cider
• ¼ cup pure water
• 2 heaped teaspoons Spiced Vanilla Chai
• 2 strips of lemon zest
• 2 teaspoons of local honey
• 2 cinnamon sticks
• 2 orange and 2 lemon slices
• 2 ounces of spiced rum or brandy

• In a sauce pot heat apple cider, water and lemon zest to just below a simmer
• Remove from heat and add in Spiced Vanilla Chai
• Cover and steep 5 minutes
• Add the spiced rum OR brandy, honey and cinnamon sticks to 2 mugs
• Strain the steeped cider chai into each mug and stir with the cinnamon stick to dissolve the honey and spiced rum
* Add slices of orange and lemon
• Sip and enjoy!

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