Warm up your guests and ring in the holidays this season with a Spiced Cranberry Toddy. High in vitamin C and antioxidants this festive drink is easy to make and oh-so delicious to drink!

Spiced Cranberry Toddy

Makes 4 servings

* 5 heaped tsp. Mulled Cranberry Spice Tea
* 4 cups pure filtered water (if making a non-alcoholic version, use 5 cups of water)
* 1 orange, sliced
* 1 lime, sliced
* 4 tsp. honey (or to taste)
* 4-5 oz. whiskey or bourbon, if using
* 4 cinnamon sticks for garnish
* 4 sprigs of rosemary for garnish
* Optional: whole star anise (if you like the flavour)

* Steep tea in freshly boiled water for 15 minutes
* Strain and add tea to a heat proof pot
* Add honey, orange/lime slices, spirits and star anise if using
* Warm on the stove for 5 minutes, just until nice and hot – do not boil
* Pour into heat proof glasses
* Garnish each glass with a cinnamon stir stick, additional orange slices and rosemary sprig
* Enjoy!

* Recipe can be easily doubled
* Strain into a crock pot, float fresh orange slices and cranberries on top and keep warm on low setting. Add a ladle so guests can help themselves. Easy and delicious!
* For a iced ‘Toddy’ – add honey and citrus to strained hot tea and then chill. Once cold, pour tea into 4 glasses, half-filled with ice. Add spirits, orange slice, rosemary sprig and cinnamon stir stick.